© Copyright 2019 Parish of St Michael - All Rights Reserved


Welcome New Parishioners

We invite you to begin by simply joining us at Mass.
Our Sunday Mass times are 7h00; 9h30; and 11h30 (Zulu); as well as Saturday 17h00.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic faith.
Your regular participation at Sunday Mass honours God, blesses our parish community, and floods your life with immense grace.
Also, visit our adoration chapel, which is open from 6am to 8pm-- each day and located near the back entrance of the church.


After Mass try to stay and mingle. Greet the priest, deacon and the people (St. Michael’s people are known for their friendliness!). In time get involved in our various groups and societies.
Finally, make a visit to the front office.
Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Our Parish Secretary, Cynthia, will be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can find our telephone numbers and emails on the contacts page.
Dc Henry, our director of stewardship, will be able to help you learn about opportunities to serve in our parish. 

We hope that you will register as a parishioner as well. Registering makes you a living member of the parish! It places you on the parish mailing roster and provides the parish with the information necessary in case of an emergency. Registration opens the possibility to enrol children in the parish Catechism classes, schedule baptisms, weddings and funerals at St. Michael’s, use the parish halls, receive monthly collection envelopes, receive our Parish Communique by email etc. 

We sincerely hope that your reception here at St. Michael’s is warm and inviting. So please attend Sunday Mass, meet the priest, introduce yourself to parishioners, visit the front office, and register in the parish. Remember: we need you as much as you need us! Once again, welcome to our parish!
In Christ,
Rev. Julian Davey 


 37 Blackburn Road


Phone: (031) 5635618